PIRCH events to TurboIRC Events

Some PIRCH ON XXXX events are easy to port in TurboIRC

And many others . Fortunately , TurboIRC allows you to restrict or allow more than one event . For example , PIRCH will fire ON JOIN whenever a JOIN happens . TurboIRC allows you to restrict the user names for which the ON JOIN Will be trigerred

* JOIN * : This is fired for all users

W*!*@* JOIN * : This is fired only if the joining user's nick starts with W .

See Events and Special Events .

The @ prefix before a script is identical to TurboIRC's option "Is Host" . TurboIRC allows you to select Owner and Voice levels also .

The :- in PIRCH is the same like "Locked events" or the #lock command .

Most known PIRCH scripts are ported to TurboIRC . You can find some demos under directory DEMOS .


To help PIRCH users to move to TurboIRC , here is a list of PIRCH aliases and how they are in TurboIRC .

/ACHAN , /AME , /AWIN , /ASERV : TurboIRC handles such aliases with flexibility with the use of /display , which enables to specify a list or a type of windows that a message or a /me will be send ( remember to use the /mme when used with /display ) If you are used to PIRCH's /axxx , just create aliases . For example , to create an alias /ame to forward a /me to all windows , use /_alias /ame 0 0 /display # /me $1*

/ADDUSER , /REMUSER , /DISABLE , /ENABLE : TurboIRC automatically saves all the users that send you a message , and you can easily change their parameters using /setuserlevel , /setuserident and /setuserdomain .

/AUTOOP : For safety reasons , TurboIRC does not have such an automation enabled , but you can easily create a script to auto op people joining a channel .

/AUTOTYPE : TurboIRC extends this command by giving you the ability to place more than one line in the input window , if you separate the string with ||| .

/CALLBACK : TurboIRC does not have this command because actually all the event mechanism is a pirch callback .

/CASCADE , : TurboIRC can handle windows using scripts and the function GetWOPTIONS .

/CLEAR , /CLOSE : TurboIRC is extremely flexible with /clear and /close , that in pirch will clear only the activated window .

/DCC : TurboIRC undertands all of the forms of DCC , including voice and KTP . There is one difference : TurboIRC requires the target nick immediately after the /DCC .

/DEFINE /UNDEFINE : TurboIRC supports these commands , and also has the #define script directive to create temporary defines .

/DESCRIBE : TurboIRC has /display to provide much more functionality than /describe

/DISPLAY : TurboIRC has /addtext to do much more than pirch's /display . Don't confuse PIRCH's /display with TurboIRC's /display .

/DNS : TurboIRC has the /DNS extended to fire special events or immediately begin the resolving process .

/EXECUTE : TurboIRC emulates /execute with /shellexecute .

/EXIT : TurboIRC has the /shutdownall to make the same like /exit . TurboIRC extends this feature by providing /shutdownwindows and /shutdown .

/FETCH : TurboIRC supports /fetch for http transfers .

/FILECOPY -MOVE-DELETE : TurboIRC supports file operations using script functions .

/IGNORE ,/NOTIFY : TurboIRC supports /ignore and /notify in very extended forms .

/NEWWINDOW : TurboIRC is extremely flexible in creating windows by using Windows Functions

/OPMSG and /OPNOTICE : TurboIRC does not support /opmsg directly , because you can use the /TARGET extensions to target some users . /OPNOTICE is very extended by /pops , /wallo , /wallq , /wallv , /wallexo and /wallexv

/PING : TurboIRC translates it with /CTCP <user> PING . /PING in TurboIRC returns to an IRC PING Command , and NOT a CTCP .

/PLAYFILE : TurboIRC has /playsound , /playtrack , /playstop , /playflush , /playclear to manage the sound list .

/PROTECT : TurboIRC has not such an alias directly , but you can easily create a script to protect your users .

/QUERY : TurboIRC supports this command as well , /query can open any type of query window . /query can open also multi-target queries .

/RUNSCRIPT : TurboIRC has /firescript which has also timer capabilities . With TurboIRC , all your aliases/events/ other are treated as scripts .

/SOUND : TurboIRC extends /sound with target features .

/VERBOSE : TurboIRC has /raw for the same thing .

/WRITE and other ini functions : TurboIRC handles Text Files , Binary Files and INI Files with File and Ini Functions .

/TIMER is handled with the help #sleep and /firescript commands . TurboIRC has also implemented /TIMER , with the same syntax as in PIRCH .

See also :

Default Aliases

Script Functions